Sexual Health

“Sexual Health is an important aspect of overall well-being that encompasses a wide range of concerns related to sexual activity, reproductive health, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Specialists in this field, often known as Sexual Health Clinicians, provide advice, diagnosis, and treatment for various sexual health issues. They can help with everything from contraception and fertility problems to sexual dysfunction and STI testing and treatment. The overall goal of Sexual Health services is to ensure that individuals can lead a healthy and satisfying sexual life, while being well-informed and safe. This explanation, starting with ‘Sexual Health’ and intended for the average person, gives a clear overview of this crucial healthcare specialty.”

What is Herpes Simplex?

Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex typically referred to as “herpes” or HSV, is a viral infection caused bythe herpes simplex virus. The virus comes in two varieties: Herpes type one (HSV-1) andherpes type two (HSV-2). Although it can occasionally cause genital herpes, herpes…

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, otherwise known as ED or impotence, is the condition of being unable to get or maintain an erection.[1] It is a common condition that most males will experience at some stage in their life, though it is most…

What are the signs of Herpes?

signs of Herpes

The signs of herpes are the observable manifestations of the herpes simplex virus (HSV).[1] Herpes, also referred to as herpes simplex and HSV is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus and generally transmitted through interpersonal contact. There…

What is Trichomonas Vulvovaginitis?

Trichomonas Vulvovaginitis

Trichomonas vulvovaginitis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of the vulva (external female genitals) and vagina. It is caused by a tiny parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. This condition mainly affects women between the ages of 16 and 35 years. It…

the difference between UTIs and STIs

الفرق بين عدوى المسالك البولية والأمراض المنقولة بالاتصال الجنسي, différence entre les infections urinaires et les IST, difference between UTIs and STIs

You need to understand the difference between UTIs and STIs so that you know when it’s time to see a doctor. It’s easy to see why people get confused when it comes to urinary tract infections (UTI) and sexually transmitted…