What is a pulmonologist?

What is a pulmonologist? pulmonologist idea health medical treatment 277904 9911

a pulmonologist is a physician who specializes in the respiratory system. From the windpipe to the lungs, if your complaint involves the lungs or any part of the respiratory system, a pulmonologist is the doc you want to solve the…

What is obstetrics?


Obstetrics is part of gynecology, also called gynecology. Obstetrics deals with the monitoring of pregnancies as well as the preparation, execution, and treatment of follow-up births. How does a hospital obstetrics work? As soon as the pregnant woman has regular contractions,…

What Is a Hepatologist?


Hepatologists are medical doctors who diagnose, treat, and manage problems associated with your liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas. Liver problems are a growing issue around the world, with conditions like cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, and hepatitis affecting the lives of millions…

What Is a Dentist?


Dentists are trained professionals who help care for the teeth and mouth. Regularly seeing a dentist can help you to maintain a good level of dental health, which may have a direct impact on your overall well-being. What Does a Dentist…

؟(Clinical Biology) ما هو علم بيولوجيا المختبر

الأحياء السريري  هو الصحة المهنية مثل طبيب من الطب، صيدلي، أو  الأحياء  والمتخصصة في  البيولوجيا المخبرية ، و  الطبية  المتخصصة المستمدة من  المخبرية  علم الأمراض. يشمل المفهوم علم الأحياء التدخلي  ، بما في ذلك تقنية مساعدة الإنجاب . بيولوجيا المخبرية  يعين التخصص الطبي الذي يستخدم تقنيات المختبرات (التحليل، المجهري، علم المناعة،…

What is a Clinical Biology?

البيولوجيا السريرية, Biologie Clinique, Clinical Biology

A clinical biologist is a health professional such as a doctor of medicine, pharmacist, or biologist that is specialized in clinical biology, a medical specialty derived from clinical pathology. The concept includes interventional biology, including assisted reproductive technology. Clinical Biology designates a medical specialty that uses laboratory techniques (analysis, microscopy,…