What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a bacterial infection of the cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus (womb). The most common cause is a sexually-transmitted infection (STI). This condition can affect women of all ages, but it most commonly affects people between the ages of 15 and 24. Symptoms may include pain in the pelvis or abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, an unusual vaginal discharge, and fever. Pelvic inflammatory disease is treated with antibiotics, and early diagnosis and treatment are important to avoid the complications of internal scarring and infertility.


Pelvic inflammatory disease is a medical term that describes an infection of the cervix, uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes. This is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection. Although this is very often a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, it can sometimes be caused by other bacteria. Pelvic inflammatory disease can affect women of all ages, but it most commonly affects people between the ages of 15 and 24.


Symptoms may include pain in the pelvis or abdomen, deep pain during sexual intercourse, unusually heavy periods, and a change to the vaginal discharge. Some people may develop a fever, nausea, vomiting, or pain when going to the toilet.


The diagnosis can often be made based on the symptoms and a gynecological examination. During the examination, samples of fluid or pus may be taken to identify the bacteria causing the infection.


Pelvic inflammatory disease is treated with antibiotics. If the infection is very severe, the antibiotics may need to be given through a drip (intravenous line). If the infection causes a collection of pus or scarring of the fallopian tubes, this may need surgical treatment, but this is uncommon.


Most people recover well following treatment and the infection causes no long-term problems. However, if the infection is not treated, or if a person becomes reinfected after treatment then it is more likely that complications develop. This may include scarring of the womb and fallopian tubes, difficulty falling pregnant, pregnancies outside the womb (ectopic pregnancies), and long-term pelvic pain.


The most important way to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease is to use condoms during sexual intercourse. Condoms are the best way to prevent the spread of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs). People who have been diagnosed with an STI should get contact with previous sexual partners so that they can get tested and treated if needed.

Other names for pelvic inflammatory disease

  • an infection of the female reproductive organs”,

**What is Pelvic⁤ Inflammatory Disease (PID)?**


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding tissues. It occurs when ⁣bacteria enter the vagina and travel through the cervix, uterus, and into‍ the⁢ fallopian tubes.


PID is primarily caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), most commonly:

*⁣ Chlamydia

* Gonorrhea

* Mycoplasma genitalium

* Bacterial vaginosis

Other risk factors include:

* Multiple sexual partners

* Young⁢ age at⁢ first sexual intercourse

* Previous history of PID

* Recent childbirth or abortion

* Intrauterine device​ (IUD) use


Symptoms of ‍PID ⁣can vary depending ⁤on⁤ the severity of the infection. ⁣Some common symptoms include:

* Lower abdominal pain

*‍ Pelvic pain during intercourse ⁢or bowel movements

* Abnormal vaginal discharge (increased amount, odor,‌ or ‍color)

* Irregular​ vaginal bleeding

* Fever

*‍ Chills

* Nausea​ or vomiting


Untreated PID can lead​ to ⁤serious complications, including:

*⁣ Infertility

* Ectopic pregnancy

* Tubo-ovarian ‍abscess

* Chronic pelvic⁣ pain


Diagnosis⁢ of PID involves a physical examination and‍ medical history. Your doctor may perform the following⁤ tests:

* Pelvic​ exam to check for tenderness or swelling

* Blood test to check for infection

* Urine test to rule‍ out urinary tract infections

* Endometrial ⁢biopsy to take ⁤a ⁤sample of uterine tissue for examination


Treatment ⁢for PID typically involves antibiotics to eliminate the infection.⁢ Common antibiotics used include:

* ⁣Doxycycline

* Azithromycin

*⁢ Metronidazole

For severe cases, hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics ‌may be necessary.


Preventing PID involves:

* Practicing safe sex and using condoms

* Limiting the ⁤number ⁢of sexual partners

* Getting⁣ tested for ⁣STIs regularly

* Avoiding douching

* Maintaining good vaginal hygiene


Pelvic inflammatory disease‍ (PID) is a‍ common reproductive tract infection that can ⁤lead to serious complications. It is primarily caused by STIs, and⁤ risk factors ⁣include multiple sexual partners, young age at first intercourse, and previous history of PID. Symptoms of PID can vary and include lower abdominal ​pain,⁣ pelvic pain during intercourse, and ⁤abnormal vaginal discharge. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination and tests such as ​a pelvic exam and blood work. Treatment⁤ involves antibiotics to eliminate the infection, and prevention involves practicing safe‍ sex and getting tested for STIs regularly.


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