What is Concussion Syndrome?

Concussion refers to any mild head injury. A concussion can cause headaches, confusion, tiredness, mood changes, and nausea. If symptoms occur after a blow to the head one should be assessed by a doctor and should be observed carefully for 24 hours for signs of a more severe brain injury. People who are unconscious for more than 5 minutes, who have severe memory loss, who have a discharge from their nose or black eyes without injury need urgent review by a doctor.

People with concussions should rest until their symptoms settle. Concussion usually gets better within 1 to 2 days, but some people experience ongoing symptoms for up to 6 months. Beyond this, a person who experiences symptoms of concussion is likely to have post-concussion syndrome, a longer-lasting form of the condition, which requires specialized treatment.

Read more about Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) »


The main symptoms of concussion are blurred vision (or seeing double), a headache, loss of balance, confusion, and memory problems. Some people may lose consciousness for a short time. People may also feel nauseous or dizzy. Concussion sometimes causes mood and behavioral changes and may make people irritable or apathetic. People who have worsening confusion, who become drowsy or lose consciousness, who vomit repeatedly, who develop a discharge from their nose or black eyes may have a more serious head injury. Anyone displaying these symptoms needs urgent review by a doctor.

Read more about the Signs of Concussion »

If you think that you or a loved one may have a concussion, you can Please check With your doctor Find my doctor.


A concussion is a mild injury due to a blow to the head. Common causes are contact sports and accidents. People aged 65 or older, who have had brain surgery or who bleed easily are at a higher risk of concussion after a head injury.


The diagnosis is based on the symptoms and an examination of the nervous system. If the head injury was severe, a computed tomography scan (CT scan) or a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI scan) may be needed to exclude a severe brain injury.


There is no specific treatment for this condition. People who have had a concussion should rest until their symptoms have settled. Paracetamol may be helpful for headaches. Athletes who have had a concussion should get advice from a doctor before returning to contact sports.


Wearing a helmet or head guard while participating in sports with a high risk of concussion may help to prevent some cases.

Other names for concussion syndrome

  • Brain concussion
  • Concussion
  • Mild traumatic brain injury

**What is Concussion Syndrome?**


Concussion syndrome, also known⁤ as a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), ⁤is a temporary disruption of brain function‌ caused by a blow​ or ⁤jolt to the head. It is characterized by ⁤a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that usually resolve within a few ​days or weeks.


Concussion syndrome can occur‌ from any type of impact to the head, such as:

* Sports accidents

* Falls

* ⁤Vehicle crashes

* ‍Assaults


Symptoms of concussion syndrome can vary widely and may include:

**Physical symptoms:**

* Headache

* Nausea or vomiting

* Dizziness or balance problems

* Sensitivity to light or noise

* ‍Blurred vision

**Cognitive symptoms:**

* Confusion

* Memory problems

* Difficulty‌ concentrating or thinking clearly

* ‌Slowed reaction times

**Emotional symptoms:**

* Irritability or mood swings

* Anxiety

* Depression

* Fatigue


Concussion​ syndrome is diagnosed based on a physical examination and a review of symptoms. Doctors may also use specialized tests, such as brain imaging (CT or⁣ MRI), to rule out ⁤more serious injuries.


Treatment for concussion ⁣syndrome typically involves rest and symptom management. Patients are advised⁢ to:

* Get ​plenty ⁣of sleep

* Avoid strenuous activity

* Reduce exposure to loud noises or bright lights

* Use over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-nausea‍ medications as needed


Most ⁤people recover from concussion syndrome ​within a few days or weeks. However, some individuals may experience symptoms for longer periods, known as post-concussion syndrome.


Preventing⁣ concussion syndrome is important to ⁤reduce the ⁣risk of brain injuries. Steps that can be taken include:

* Wearing a helmet during sports or other activities

*⁢ Ensuring safe environments in schools and workplaces

* Educating children ​and adults ⁣about the importance of head protection


Concussion syndrome is ⁣a common brain injury that can have a significant‌ impact on⁢ an individual’s daily life. However, with appropriate‍ treatment⁢ and rest, most people‍ recover⁢ fully. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of concussion syndrome ⁤is⁢ essential for promoting brain health and preventing future injuries.


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