Qu'est-ce que l'ostéoporose ?

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**What is Osteoporosis?**

**Q: What is osteoporosis?**

**A:** Osteoporosis ⁢is a skeletal disease characterized by ‌decreased bone density, leading to weakened and brittle bones susceptible to fractures. It affects⁤ both ‍men⁢ and women, ‍primarily older adults.

**Q: Why is bone density⁢ important?**

**A:** Bone density⁤ measures the amount of minerals, primarily calcium and phosphate, in the bones. Higher bone density equates to stronger⁤ and less fracture-prone bones.

**Q: What ⁢are the causes⁣ of osteoporosis?**

**A:** Osteoporosis has ‌multiple ⁢causes, including:

* **Aging:**⁤ With age, bone ‍formation slows ‍down, while bone resorption (breakdown) increases.

* **Postmenopausal women:** ‌Estrogen deficiency after menopause contributes to bone loss.

* **Medical conditions:** Certain diseases (e.g., Cushing’s syndrome, some cancers) and medications ‍(e.g., corticosteroids) can weaken bones.

* **Lifestyle factors:** ​Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption,‌ low calcium ‍intake,⁢ and lack of exercise all contribute to bone​ loss.

**Q: What‌ are the symptoms of⁢ osteoporosis?**

**A:** Osteoporosis often manifests without symptoms until a fracture occurs.‌ Common symptoms include:

* Decreased height

* Back pain ⁢or fractures

* Hip, wrist, or spinal fractures

**Q:⁢ How⁣ is osteoporosis diagnosed?**

**A:**‍ Diagnosis involves a physical exam, medical history assessment, ⁢and a bone density test (e.g., DEXA scan), which ‌measures ⁤bone mineral density.

**Q: How is osteoporosis‌ treated?**

**A:** Treatment focuses on‍ preventing further bone loss and ‌managing fractures:

* **Medication:** ⁤Bisphosphonates, hormone replacement therapy ‌(HRT), and teriparatide can increase bone density.

*‍ **Lifestyle modifications:** Exercise, adequate calcium and ‍vitamin D intake, and smoking cessation can support bone health.

* **Bone density monitoring:** Regular DEXA scans help ‍track progress and adjust treatment ‍as needed.

**Q: How can⁣ I ‍prevent osteoporosis?**

**A:** ​Preventive measures include:

* Maintain a ‍healthy weight.

* Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise.

* Get enough calcium (1,000-1,200⁤ mg/day) and vitamin D (600-800 IU/day).

* Quit smoking.

*‍ Limit alcohol consumption.

* Protect your⁢ bones from ⁤injury.

**Remember, osteoporosis is a manageable condition‍ with ⁣early detection and appropriate treatment. By taking proactive steps to maintain ‍bone health, individuals can reduce their​ risk of fractures and improve their overall⁢ quality of life.**

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