Résultats de recherche pour heart-attack

Qu'est-ce que l'anaphylaxie ?

...elevated levels of allergic markers) **Treatment of Anaphylaxis:** Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis involves: * **Epinephrine ⁢(adrenaline) injection:** To constrict blood vessels, increase cœur rate, and open airways. * **Antihistamines and...

Quels sont les signes d'un AVC ?

Signs of Stroke, signes d'un AVC,علامات السكتة الدماغية
...of these symptoms, call 911 or your local emergency⁣ number immediately. Timely ‌medical intervention ‌can significantly improve‍ outcomes in stroke cases. **Additional Information:** * Transient ⁢ischemic attacks⁤ (TIAs) are‌ temporary...