What kinds of businesses are eligible for Adoctor?

Not all businesses are eligible for Adoctor. We focus mainly on traditional brick-and-mortar businesses and local service providers. Still, we also feature mobile companies, government services, parks and attractions, and anything else that fits the local scene. 

We typically remove ineligible business pages from our search results once we are made aware of them and request third-party search engines like Google to do the same (though they act on their timetable). Note, however, that ineligible pages may still be accessible directly via their URL or from a user’s content (like photos, reviews) that reference that business. 

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Ineligible businesses 

We try not to list e-commerce businesses that primarily serve commercial customers, direct-seller companies, lead-generation companies, and other companies that we believe aren’t a good fit for the Adoctor community. Still, there are some gray areas where we need to make a tough call about whether a business belongs on Yelp or not. Would you please let us know if you think you see an ineligible business page on Adoctor?

Opening Soon

We typically do not show businesses in search results that are not scheduled to open for more than one month. However, you can add a business as soon as there’s verifiable information about the company available. If a business would like to have a page on Adoctor before opening, we encourage claiming its page and let users know about its opening date through the From the Business section or add “Opening Soon” to their biz name. 

Businesses without physical locations

There are service-based businesses that are mobile and do not have a fixed location. Although some of these businesses may work out of their home, we avoid adding a home address to a business page unless specifically requested by the business owner. 

Multiple pages for businesses 

In general, a business should have a single page per location. However, there are some other scenarios where a company may warrant multiple pages: 

  • Discrete service offerings: Businesses offering a variety of services in which users will have distinctly different experiences may require separate pages. These separate service departments also typically have different operating hours and phone numbers as well, therefore it makes sense to keep them separate. 
  • Businesses within another location: Businesses located inside another location should have separate pages. Certain departments within larger businesses, such as a pharmacy within a department store, may also warrant separate pages, particularly if hours or contact information are different.
  • Individual providers vs. group practices: Some individual service providers, whose work tends to be evaluated separately from their shared practice group, have their own business pages. For example, individual doctors will typically have their own business pages, which are separate from any business pages for the hospitals, medical offices, or group practices where they may perform their services. Not every situation is the same, so submit a report if you think we need to merge two pages or create a new one.

Closed Businesses

We try to mark businesses as “closed” if we have information indicating that the company has closed, moved, or substantially changed to inform consumers about such substantial changes.

Countries where Adoctor is not available

Adoctor currently features pages in Algeria. For now, we can’t feature businesses in other countries.

**Q: What is Adoctor?**

**A:** Adoctor is a digital healthcare platform that provides a comprehensive⁢ suite of services to healthcare practitioners. It includes features​ such as‌ secure messaging, ​patient scheduling, and electronic medical records (EMRs).

**Q: What types of businesses are eligible ‌for Adoctor?**

**A:** Adoctor is designed to ‍cater to​ a wide range of healthcare businesses, including:

*⁢ **Medical clinics:** Family practices, pediatrics, internal medicine, etc.

* ​**Dental practices:** General dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, etc.

* **Specialty practices:** Dermatology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, etc.

* **Urgent care⁣ centers:** Walk-in clinics and ⁢after-hours‌ medical facilities

* **Behavioral health providers:** Counseling, therapy, psychiatry, etc.

* **Veterinary clinics:**‌ Small‍ animal, large animal, and specialty clinics

* **Physical⁢ therapy clinics**

* **Chiropractic clinics**

* **Acupuncture clinics**

*​ **Massage therapy clinics**

**Q: What are the ​benefits⁣ of using Adoctor for healthcare professionals?**

**A:** Adoctor offers ⁣numerous benefits for healthcare providers, including:

* **Improved patient communication:** Secure messaging allows providers to communicate securely with​ patients, reducing phone calls and wasted time.

* **Efficient scheduling:**⁣ Online scheduling tools streamline ​appointment booking, allowing patients to schedule appointments at their convenience.

* **Electronic health records (EMRs):**​ Centralized ​EMRs ⁢provide‌ a ‌complete view of patient medical history, improving ​care quality and reducing errors.

* **Mobile accessibility:** Providers ⁢can⁣ access Adoctor ​through mobile apps, ensuring⁢ they are always connected with their patients.

* ‌**Increased revenue:** Online ⁢scheduling and⁢ patient portals facilitate online payments, increasing revenue for practices.

**Q: Is Adoctor secure?**

**A:** Yes, Adoctor is HIPAA-compliant and meets‌ industry​ standards for data ​security. ​All data is encrypted, and‍ access is controlled through secure passwords and authentication protocols.

**Q: ⁣How do I get started with Adoctor?**

**A:** Visit ‌the Adoctor⁢ website to create an account. Once your account is ⁤activated,​ you can customize your practice settings and begin using the platform’s services. Adoctor also offers training resources and support to help practitioners get the ⁤most out of the ‍platform.

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