Qu'est-ce que les nausées matinales ?

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**Question: What is Morning Sickness?**


Morning‍ sickness is a common pregnancy symptom that typically develops during the first trimester. ‍It⁣ is characterized by⁢ nausea, vomiting, ⁢and possible food aversions.⁤ While it is commonly referred ⁢to as “morning‍ sickness,”⁤ symptoms can occur at any‍ time of day‍ or ⁤night.


The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but several factors ⁢are believed to contribute:

* **Hormonal changes:** Increased ​levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are thought ⁢to ⁤play a⁣ role.

* **Sensitive stomach:** Pregnancy causes ‌the stomach‍ to ​empty slower, ‌making​ pregnant‌ women more susceptible⁤ to⁣ nausea.

* **Psychological factors:** Stress ⁤and anxiety‍ can worsen symptoms.


* Nausea

* Vomiting

* Food ⁤aversions or cravings

* Fatigue

* Hypersalivation (excessive salivation)


While⁢ there is no cure for morning sickness, there are several measures that can help alleviate symptoms:

*‌ **Small, frequent meals:**‍ Avoid large meals‌ that can trigger‌ nausea.

* **Ginger:** ‌Consuming ginger tea, ​ginger candy, or ginger capsules can help reduce nausea.

* **Acupressure:** Applying pressure to the Nei-Guan (P-6)​ acupressure​ point on ⁣the wrist⁢ can help.

* **Vitamin B6:** Supplements of vitamin B6 have been shown to reduce nausea.

* **Over-the-counter ⁤(OTC)‌ medications:** Prescription-strength ⁤anti-nausea medication may‍ be necessary for⁤ severe cases.

**When to Seek Medical Attention:**

Most cases of morning sickness are mild and do not require medical attention. However, seek medical advice if:

* Vomiting is ‍persistent and severe (hyperemesis gravidarum)

* Symptoms are accompanied by dehydration (dark ‍urine, dizziness)

* Symptoms are accompanied ⁢by abdominal pain, fever, or blood in vomit

**Additional Tips:**

*⁢ Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

* Get⁤ enough‌ rest.

* Avoid⁤ foods and smells that trigger nausea.

* Exercise regularly to improve overall well-being.

*​ Join a support​ group to connect with others experiencing⁢ morning sickness.


Morning sickness is a common and temporary pregnancy symptom. While ‍it⁤ can be challenging, it usually resolves by the second or third trimester. If you are concerned about your ​symptoms, ⁣always consult with your healthcare provider.

Un commentaire

  1. I just found out I am pregnant, and it has been a roller coaster. I haven’t been been able to keep anything down. I have been vomiting constantemente and can’t seem to find relief. I know everyone says this is normal, but I ammiserable.. What can I do

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