What is Certified Medical Examination for Overseas Workers: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Définition et aperçu

A certified medical examination for an overseas worker is a medical procedure that is required for all individuals who are seeking work opportunities abroad. The purpose of the exam is to make sure that the individual is fit to work, and does not have any serious medical illness. The exam can be taken either before departing for the destination country or within a set amount of time upon arrival. The results of the test will determine whether the applicant will be granted a work permit. If the applicant fails to pass the exam, he or she may be advised to undergo additional testing or may be sent home.

Qui devrait subir et résultats attendus

A certified medical examination is a necessary step in applying for an overseas work permit. It is a common requirement across all destination countries and is performed for the benefit of both the worker and the country he is seeking to enter.

At the end of the exam, the applicant will either receive a medical clearance followed by an approved work permit, a denied medical clearance, which may delay or cancel his work permit, or recommendations to address certain medical issues detected during the exam. For example, if a person has dental issues, he will be advised to undergo dental treatments before he will be granted a license to work overseas. In some cases, the foreign worker may be required to undergo some procedures, such as biopsies, spinal taps, booster vaccinations, or even minor surgery to meet the medical requirements of the host country.

Most denied applications are due to infectious and chronic non-infectious diseases, such as:

  • Hépatite B
  • HCV reactive
  • Paludisme
  • Leprosy
  • Tuberculose
  • Granuloma
  • Épanchement pleural
  • PTB, including active, past, or healed cases
  • Skin diseases
  • Chronic renal or heart failure
  • Diabète
  • Arthrite
  • Cancer, especially colon and cancer du sein
  • Epilepsy, or a history of seizures
  • Hypertension
  • Obésité
  • Psychiatric and neurological conditions
    Other factors that may cause a denied medical clearance include physical disabilities such as blindness or deafness.

Comment fonctionne la procédure

In most countries, certified medical examinations for overseas workers need to be performed by physicians who are certified or accredited by the government, and cannot be performed by the worker’s own physician. Some countries, on the other hand, may allow the pre-employment test to be performed in the applicant’s country, but the physician will need to follow strict guidelines in performing the exam.

The manner in which the tests are performed is based on the nature of the work the person is applying for. For example, the medical standards required for seafarers may differ from those required for land-based workers, and host countries tend to impose stricter regulations on individuals planning to work for a longer time.

The required components of the medical exam as well as the expected results may also vary per country, as some countries have special medical requirements. Generally, however, the certified medical examination for overseas workers typically involves the following:

  • Examen des antécédents médicaux
  • Routine physical exam
  1. Mesure de la taille et du poids
  2. Body mass index
  3. Eye exam
  4. Hearing test
  5. Examen dentaire
  6. Nose and sinus exam
  7. Blood pressure test
  8. Kidney function tests, such as blood urea nitrogen test or creatinine test
  9. Liver function tests, such as total protein, total bilirubin, direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, albumin levels, and globulin levels, among others
  10. Tests de la fonction pulmonaire or spirometry
  11. Pancreatic function tests
  12. Lipid tests
  13. Treadmill exercise test
  14. Ultrasound and x-rays
  15. ECG
  16. Abdominal echo
  17. Fecal and urine tests
  18. Des analyses de sang
  19. Grossesse test for women
  • Psychological testing
  • Drug and alcohol testing
  • Infectious disease screening
    Aside from the pre-employment medical exam, foreign workers are also required by their host countries to undergo regular physical examinations. The recommended frequency and schedule of these exams may differ from each country, but most require at least one exam every six months. The workers also need to undergo a physical exam every time they renew their work permit. The results of the test are usually released between one and two weeks after the medical exam.

Risques et complications possibles

If a person fails to pass a medical exam, his or her job offer will be cancelled, resulting in deportation. Thus, it is important for overseas workers to prepare for the said test. Applicants are advised to get a good night’s rest the night before the medical exam and to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages, which may adversely affect the accuracy of test results. They may also be given pre-exam fasting guidelines that enumerate the kinds of foods that they need to avoid prior to the exam. Strenuous activities and excessive exercise should also be avoided. These factors may cause liver function, kidney function and blood sugar tests to produce inaccurate results.

Applicants are also advised to bring their eyeglasses, contact lenses and a list of the medications they are currently taking. If they are currently under treatment, they should take their medications as normal.

Another consideration to think about is the cost of the procedure. If the patient fails during the first exam and wishes to give it another try, he or she will have to pay for the second exam.


  • Simel DL. Approche du patient: anamnèse et examen physique. Dans : Goldman L, Schafer AI, éd. La médecine Cecil de Goldman. 24e éd. Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie : Elsevier Saunders ; 2011 : chap. 6.


**Certified Medical Examination for Overseas Workers: ⁤Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results**


Individuals seeking employment‌ overseas may require to undergo a certified ‍medical examination (CME). A CME is a‍ comprehensive health assessment that ⁣evaluates an individual’s physical, mental,⁢ and emotional well-being to ensure they are fit to work in a foreign environment.

**Overview of Certified Medical Examination**

A CME typically includes⁤ the following components:

* Physical examination: This may include checking vitals, assessing range of motion, and reviewing medical history.

* Blood tests: These tests ⁤may detect infections, blood sugar levels, and other health markers.

* Urine analysis: Urine samples may be examined for underlying health conditions or drug use.

* Chest X-ray: This may be used to detect lung abnormalities.

* Vision and hearing tests: These tests assess sensory acuity.

* Psychological evaluation (if required): This may involve an interview or questionnaire to ⁢assess mental ​health.

**Benefits of Certified Medical⁤ Examination**

CMEs provide several benefits to overseas workers and employers alike:

* **Ensures physical ⁣and mental ⁤fitness for overseas employment:** A CME confirms that an individual is ⁢in ‍good health and suitable⁣ for working in a specific ⁤overseas environment.

* **Reduces health risks for both the individual and the employer:** By identifying potential health issues early​ on, CMEs help prevent workplace accidents and illnesses.

* **Facilitates timely⁢ medical intervention:** A CME ​can identify health conditions that require further ‍evaluation⁣ or treatment, ensuring that workers receive appropriate care.

* **Protects employers from‍ liabilities:** CMEs provide‌ documentation that workers are physically ⁤and mentally fit for the job, reducing the risk of​ legal issues arising ⁢from ⁢workplace health concerns.

**Expected​ Results of Certified Medical Examination**

The expected⁣ results⁤ of a certified medical examination include:

* **Medical certificate:** Upon successful completion of the examination, individuals receive a medical certificate, often mandated by the visa requirements of the destination country.

* **Fitness assessment:** The certificate indicates the individual’s overall fitness for the intended overseas employment.

* **Identification of ⁣health conditions:** ‌If any health conditions are detected, the certificate will include recommendations ⁣for ⁤further ​evaluation or ‌treatment.


Certified medical examinations are essential for individuals ⁣seeking‍ overseas employment. By assessing an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional health, CMEs ensure the well-being of ⁤the worker and the protection⁤ of the employer. The ⁤benefits of CMEs include reducing health⁤ risks, ​facilitating early intervention, and providing legal protection. When planning for overseas employment, ⁤it is crucial to schedule and complete a⁣ certified medical examination to ⁢obtain the necessary ⁤medical certificate and documentation.

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