Qu'est-ce que la prostatectomie (chirurgie de la prostate) ?

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**What is Prostatectomy ‍(Prostate⁢ Surgery)?**

A prostatectomy is a surgical procedure⁢ to remove the prostate gland, a ​small gland in men that produces seminal fluid. [[1]] Prostatectomy is most commonly‌ performed⁤ to treat prostate cancer, but it can also be used to treat other conditions ⁢such as benign ⁣prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. [[2]]

There are different types of prostatectomy procedures, but‍ the most common is radical​ prostatectomy. [[1]] Radical prostatectomy involves‍ removing the entire⁢ prostate gland and some surrounding tissue. [[1]] It is typically performed for prostate cancer that is confined ⁣to the prostate. [[1]]

Other types of prostatectomy procedures include:

* ⁢**Simple prostatectomy:** This procedure involves ⁤removing only the central ⁣portion of the prostate gland. [[1]] ⁤It is⁢ typically performed for‍ BPH. [[1]]

* **Transurethral resection​ of ​the prostate (TURP):** This procedure involves removing the⁣ prostate gland through the urethra. [[1]] It is typically performed for BPH. [[1]]

* **Robotic prostatectomy:**​ This⁤ procedure involves using a robotic system to assist the surgeon in performing the prostatectomy. [[1]] Robotic prostatectomy is less invasive than traditional open prostatectomy and has a shorter recovery time. [[3]]

The type of prostatectomy procedure that is right for ‍you will depend on your individual circumstances. ‌Your doctor will discuss the⁣ different options with you and help you make the best decision.

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