Qu'est-ce que les brûlures cutanées ?

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**What⁣ is a Cutaneous Burn?**


A cutaneous burn is⁣ an injury ⁢to the skin caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation.​ Burns are classified based on their severity,​ affecting different layers of the⁣ skin, from superficial to life-threatening.

**Types of Burns**

*⁤ **First-degree burns:** Involve the epidermis, the ‌outermost layer‍ of the skin. They cause redness,‍ pain,‍ and swelling. Examples: sunburns, minor cooking burns.

*‍ **Second-degree burns:**‍ Involve ​the epidermis and part of‌ the dermis, ​the layer‍ beneath the epidermis. They cause blisters, intense pain, and redness.

* **Third-degree burns:** Extend⁢ through the ⁣entire dermis and into the underlying⁢ subcutaneous ​tissue. They appear⁤ charred, white, or blackened, and ⁢are painless ‍due to‍ nerve damage.

* **Fourth-degree burns:** Affect all skin layers and reach ⁤deep into the underlying tissues,​ including⁢ tendons, muscles, or even bone.

**Causes of Burns**

* Heat⁢ (fire, scalding liquids)

* Chemicals⁣ (acids, bases)

* Electricity

* ⁤Radiation (sunlight, X-rays)

* Friction (abrasions)

**Symptoms of Burns**

* ‌Pain

*⁣ Redness

* Swelling

* Blisters

* Charring

* Loss of sensation

* Difficulty ⁤breathing (for‍ severe burns)

**Treatment ​for Burns**

Treatment for ‌burns depends ​on their​ severity and location.

* ‍**First-aid:** Cool the burn with water, apply gauze or​ dressings, and ⁤seek medical attention.

* ⁢**Minor burns:** ⁣Can​ be treated at home with pain relievers and antiseptic dressings.

* **Moderate burns:** ​Require ⁤professional medical care, including ⁢debridement (removal of ⁢damaged tissue), antibiotics, and skin grafts.

* **Severe burns:** Need immediate hospitalization, intensive care, and specialized treatment in a burn center.

**Prevention of Burns**

* Handle heat and chemicals with care

* Avoid prolonged sun exposure

* Keep electrical cords and‌ outlets⁣ away from children

* Store flammable liquids safely

* Install smoke and carbon monoxide‍ detectors

* Learn ‌first-aid for treating burns

**Additional Information**

* **Burn severity:** Determined⁤ by ⁢the​ depth of the burn, percentage ‌of ⁣body ​area involved,⁣ and presence of complications.

* **Rule of Nines:** Helps​ estimate the percentage of body surface area affected ‌by burns.

* ⁣**Shock:** A ‍potentially ​life-threatening condition that‌ can ‍result from severe burns.

* **Infection:** A common complication ⁤of​ burns that requires‌ prompt treatment.

* **Scarring:** ⁢Can occur after healing, ⁤especially in severe burns.

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